04/12/24 13:37
In his book, The Great Dance, Baxter Kruger writes as a man raised in Christianity. “I knew that the invisible river moving through life, the great dance, was a divine reality. My problem was that I could never connect the dots. I could never see how they were related.” Baxter is talking about God and life and His relationship to everyday life.” (p.14)
Even if Jesus did come among us as the way, the truth and the life as the Light and Life of human beings, some live in a profound blindness to the fact that Christ is their now life and seem content with the normal coma that dims their being. But Jesus did say there are those who prefer darkness rather than light (life). Don’t underestimate the resistance of religion to life. Just keep in mind that we humans crucified life when Life turned up as Jesus Christ in our midst.
Many Christians have been trained to think God is obsessed with not sinning. God is against all degradation, but His passion is life. ‘In Him is life and that life is the light of all’. In John 10.10, Jesus does not announce a moral agenda. He presents Himself as unlimited life and the Un-Doer of all lies and every theft of genuine life.
You might not see that God and life are intimately related and may not expect them to be. To you God has been religion and you, like many live in this dualistic universe – this split life of God stuff and the real stuff. A real life in Christ can never sit on its hands while we kill the earth for jobs and growth. But we can deny this. Or deny because the floods we helped to cause washed away our business or the fires burnt our dwelling to the ground.
Some fundamentalists I have met are shocked that God and life could be related and offended when you preach a gospel that joins God to all parts of life. They are very much into sacred and secular dichotomy – which sadly is a sign of living in the knowledge of good and evil and its bifurcated world view.
Some are befuddled inside the bubble in which they were born. some are so blind that they cannot see beyond the law or a moralism they have obsessed on. They mistake the law for godliness. But they are greatly mistaken. If they persist they are purveyors of delusion and death rather than life. Life is union with God and union with God is life. If you are living from the law, you are short-changing yourself. If you are promoting a law-based gospel you are stealing the life of others.
It’s over a decade since Steve jobs died. I found this in a piece in the Mac Observer. It speaks to the issue of life. “When people think of Mr. Jobs’ commencement address to Stanford’s class of 2005, they always refer to the famous “stay hungry, stay foolish,” ending. Apple Insider flagged up another key moment from that speech. At one point, Mr. Jobs referred to his diagnosis and mortality. He discussed the day the tumour on his pancreas was found and how it changed his thinking towards death. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life, he told the students.” Don’t live a religious un-life.
Don’t expect to overflow with Christ’s life if you are not hungry and foolish for His Life. There is nothing rational about Christ come in our flesh. It’s just the Wisdom of God come by the Spirit in you!
People with a passion for God and God’s life are hungry and foolish. Never satisfied with limited life they go for infinite life. There is one source of this. It is Christ our life. You can live incarnated with the presence of God or you can live in your own externalities, deviant gospels and diluted versions of life. Then again you can be alive because Christ is you.
Don’t waste your own and other people’s lives hawking a half-life and ‘another gospel’ that contains the seeds of death because you are too passive to change your ideas and dive into life Himself.