05/12/24 16:27
Jesus as Son of God is one substance with Father. Jesus as son of man is one substance with us. God in fullness is joined to us in Jesus Christ. We in completeness are joined to God in Jesus Christ. Christ’s life is our life in person and in deed. This is the mystery of incarnation. – ‘Christ come in our flesh’.
“The Holy Spirit is the .. Paraclete (Jn 14.16) whom Christ sends to act in his place. In his homoousion with Christ in being and act the Spirit is Christ’s other self through whose presence in us Christ makes himself present to us. ‘Thus it is by the Spirit that our adoption in Christ through atoning propitiation is sealed so that we are united to Christ and freely given to share in the Son’s filial relation with the Father.’” (1)
Christ come in our flesh is life in the Spirit because the incarnation is just that – the Spirit of Christ expressed as George and Georgia. The mystery of Godliness is as real as you because it is Christ expressed as you.
“Grace is Jesus Christ for there is no other gift from the Father besides his Son. Because of the oneness in being and act between Christ and God; salvation, knowledge, union, communion, and theosis [participation in the divine nature] are possible. Before this can be applied to human persons it first of all becomes a reality in the person of the Mediator, Jesus Christ. The homoousion [ the oneness of the Father and the Son] thus necessitates the hypostatic union [the personal union of Jesus’ two natures], the distinct instantiation[ the concrete expression of] communion between God and humanity in the person of the Son.” (2)
Christ has come in our flesh, which is why Christ in us is the glorious hope and reality of the flowering and maturing of the sons and daughters of God. The concrete expression of the Spirit of Christ in you is – you. Christ is not diluted by religion, fudged in rites or leeched away by the law. Christ is expressed directly as you in all of life.
(1) Myk Habets, Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance, pp 60,61.
(2) Ibid.